SAVE the DATES: October Voter Forums
San Juan Island: Thursday, October 10, at the Grange 5:30 pm
Link to Recording: https://cnl2.com/lwv-forum-1-sji
Orcas Island: Wednesday, October 16, at the Senior Center 5:30 pm
Lopez Island: Thursday, October 17, at the Community Center 5:30 pm
All Forums Will Include all Four Candidates
District #1 Kari McVeigh and Stephanie O'Day
District #2 Rick Hughes and Justin Paulsen
The Forums will be livestreamed at https://cnl2.com/
At Voter Forums San Juan County voters hear from local candidates in a moderated, non-partisan event.
The forums give local voters the chance to ask questions and hear responses from local candidates. Forums:
• Help voters make informed decisions in non-partisan environments
• Get candidates on the record so they can be held accountable for their stated positions on issues
• Provide an opportunity for candidates to hear from their constituents and to get their message out to the voters
The League of Women Voters does not endorse any candidate running for an elected position and provides forums solely for the education of voters.
The League of Women Voters requires civil discourse in forums. Forums are usually in-person but are open for participation via Zoom. Voter forums are also recorded, and recordings are available on this website. The League of Women Voters of the San Juans serves the entire county, and we make every effort to schedule forums in each island where there is a contested election (more than one candidate running for the seat) and where candidates agree to participate.

Recent Voter Forum Recordings
Links to July Voter Forums Recordings
July 16th SJC District 1: Kari McVeigh, Adrian Kilpatrick and Stephanie O'Day
​ July 18th – SJC District 2: Rick Hughes, Justin Paulsen and Jonathan Jonnie Welch
​ https://cnl2.com/lwv-orcas-forum-1-of-3
Primary Voter Forum Recordings