Ways To Participate
The League of Women Voters has encouraged informed and active citizen participation in government for over 100 years. We'd love to have you join us.
Attend An Event
Voters Forums are free, open to the public and let citizens hear from and ask questions of candidates and proponents and opponents of ballot measures.
They are held around the time ballots are mailed.
Monthly meetings feature speakers that provide information and opinions about issues of local interest. Recent forums have been on Election Security.
Food Insecurity, the Marine Environment and Teen Homelessness. They are held the second Monday each month.
LWVSJ sponsors occasional Voter Registration events or has an information table at community events like the County Fair or Farmers Market.
Both forums and monthly meetings can be attended in person or via Zoom.
Find more information about our forums here and see Upcoming Events below to see what's happening this month!

Members of our Observer Corps volunteer to attend public meetings and report back on the business of government groups. Our Observers:
Make sure the government is following open meeting ("sunshine") laws;
Promote transparency and accountability in government through regular oversight;
Educate the public about what is going on in government; and
Identify issues for League advocacy.
Email lwvsanjuans@gmail.com to learn more or sign up!

The League offers many opportunities to support its mission to encourage informed and active participation in government. Volunteers work to increase understanding of major public policy issues and to influence public policy through education and advocacy.
Volunteers help:
Organize candidate forums
Work on our monthly educational programs about current public policy issues
Research and draft educational material about ballot measures
Participate with our Communications group to publicize information about League's activities and efforts
Register voters and help get out the vote with our Voter Services Team
Membership brings additional volunteer opportunities to:
Speak about voting and/or what's on the ballot with our Speakers Bureau
Lead Community Conversations
Serve on our Board