SJI School Board, January 29, 2025
The Friday Harbor Elementary School student council presented on the Zones of Regulation program that teaches students how to recognize and modify feelings and attitudes to help them enjoy and focus on school.
The Stuart West Fire Brigade requested permission to build a two-car garage with a catchment water tank and a propane tank on the Stuart Island School property for fire prevention activities on Stuart Island. Fire Chief Noel Monin was present to answer questions. The Board approved moving forward with planning but did not make a final decision on construction.
Superintendent Woods read a proclamation from Governor Ferguson for School Board Appreciation month thanking boards for their dedication to serving our schools. He then reviewed the district’s policy on student immigration status. The district does not ask about the immigration status of a child or a parent. Law enforcement cannot enter the school without permission.Â
Woods presented how the state funds public schools and the funding shortfalls in the cost to operate the schools. The state sets mandates that all schools must follow but does not fully cover the cost of implementing the mandates. All county school districts are lobbying legislators to fund actual costs. The Stand Together with Our Island Schools campaign asks citizens to make their voices heard in Olympia during this legislative session: www.supportislandschools.org. Superintendent Woods, Kurtz and Heller met in Olympia with legislators about funding for Special Education, MSOC (materials, supplies and operating costs) and Transportation. Representative Heller outlined specific bills that are under review in this legislative session.
ASB Representative Mia Germain presented a poster from the student council thanking the school board. Key club volunteers helping residents at the Village at the Harbor handle daily tasks. Volunteers from the community reviewed Student Community projects. The winter formal raised $500 for charity. Finals were last week, and the stress level is down.
The Board approved the school calendar for 2025-2026 and 2026-2027 and the Board calendar for this school year. Total enrollment was 801, slightly above expectations. Financial performance is on target. The board approved policy updates for Nondiscrimination, Student Discipline, Infectious Diseases, Anaphylaxis Prevention and Response, Opioid Related Overdose Reversal, Emergencies. They held a proposed change regarding the Minimum Fund Balance for further discussion in February.
*The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan organization encourages informed participation in government. The Observer Corps attends and takes notes at government meetings to expand public understanding of public policy and decisions. The notes do not necessarily reflect the views of the League or its members.